Joining God in the renewal of our neighborhood.

Together with our neighbors, we are working to end poverty in our community through the power of community.

For too long, families in Tulsa have been trapped in the cycle of poverty. It's time to think and act differently.

Epic Hope offers a better way: supporting bottom-up solutions that empower those in poverty. Solutions that work.

  • Almost everyone agrees that the way we're trying to fix poverty in our country isn't working. In fact, 81% of Americans are unhappy with the current approach. For a long time, there have been two main ideas: either the government should spend more money on programs to make poverty a bit easier, or we should take a hands-off approach and believe that people need to fix their own problems. Neither option has proved to be correct or helpful; so what is the way forward?

  • We need a fresh approach that doesn't treat people like they're broken but invests in transforming individuals. People have unique gifts and talents, but various barriers prevent them from tapping into their potential. Whether it's struggling with addiction, mental health, a criminal record, chronic joblessness, broken families, or workforce issues, we need to help individuals overcome these barriers and escape poverty for good!

    While federal and state resources are valuable, there is nothing more impactful than working directly with the people in your own neighborhood. We firmly believe that the most effective way to combat poverty in our community is at the grassroots level: neighbors helping neighbors. While government support plays a crucial role, it often lacks the personal touch and direct connection that community-level initiatives can provide.

Thank You To Our Community Partners

At Epic Hope, we understand that no single organization can achieve profound societal change on its own. It is through the power of collaboration with businesses, foundations, and like-minded organizations that we can make a tangible impact on the world around us. We could not do what we do if it weren’t for these dedicated partners.

Make a donation.

By contributing to the mission of Epic Hope, you are directly confronting the cycle of poverty in Tulsa's Hope Valley, paving the way for a stronger, more hopeful future for all. Join us in making a difference today.